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NASADAD releases updated STR/SOR Funding Timeline

NASADAD has released an updated timeline of funding for the State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis (STR) and State Opioid Response (SOR) grant programs. The timeline outlines key dates, such as: when grants were authorized; when Congress appropriated funds; when funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) were released; funding award periods for States for each of the grant programs; and more.


Here are some highlights from the timeline:

  • The timeline begins with passage of the 21st Century Cures Act of 2016, which created a $1 billion account in the Treasury to be used for grants to States to address the opioid crisis. This culminated in the STR grant program, for which the State alcohol and drug agencies were the eligible applicants.
  • In FY 2018, Congress allocated an additional $1 billion to States to address opioid addiction and overdose through the SOR grants. The State alcohol and drug agencies were listed as the eligible applicants for SOR.
  • The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act of 2018 reauthorized STR through FY 2021. However, Congress did not allocate funds to STR in FY 2019.
  • Congress appropriated $1.5 billion for SOR in FY 2019.


The updated the timeline includes these recent developments:

  • On March 11, 2019, the Administration released its proposed budget for FY 2020, and included a request of $1.5 billion for the SOR program.
  • On March 20, 2019, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced an additional $487 million to supplement first-year SOR funding.
  • The next installment of $1 billion is expected to later this fiscal year.