All posts by Lacy Adams

The Landscape of Alcohol Use in the U.S.

Alcohol use is one of the leading public health concerns for State alcohol and drug agencies in the United States. In 2020, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that 50% (or 138.5 million people) of all people drank alcohol in the last month. Adults aged 26 and older made up the age with the highest reported use (54.6% or 119.2 million), followed by people aged 18-25 years old (51.5% or 17.2 million), and then adolescents aged 12 to 17 years old (8.2% or 2.1 million people).

State alcohol and drug agency leaders are working to address this challenge through initiatives related to prevention, treatment, and recovery. State Directors provide leadership by promoting standards of care, evidence-based services, and continuous quality improvement innovations. State Directors also ensure public dollars are dedicated to programs that work through performance data management and reporting, contract monitoring, corrective action planning, on site-reviews, and technical assistance.

This fact sheet dives into the current landscape of alcohol use, emergency room/motor vehicle accidents, impact of COVID-19, benefits of prevention, benefits of treatment and recovery, and key federal programs related to alcohol.

Download (PDF, 301KB)

Reauthorization of the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant

The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant, housed within the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), is a federal block grant distributed by formula to all States, Territories, and jurisdictions. The SAPT Block Grant supports States to “plan, implement, and evaluate activities that prevent and treat substance [use]” (SAMHSA, 2022). The SAPT Block Grant was last reauthorized in the 21st Century Cures Act (P.L. 114-255) in December 2016. The authorization applied through 2022. As a result, Congress is considering legislation to reauthorize the program through 2027.

The SAPT Block Grant serves as the cornerstone of States’ substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery systems. State alcohol and drug agencies play a pivotal role in applying and receiving funds to distribute to counties, local communities, and providers. The funds are dedicated to help implement evidenced-based programming. States oversee the funds through tools such as performance data management/reporting, contract monitoring, corrective action planning, onsite reviews, and technical assistance. States are required to spend 20% of SAPT Block Grant funds on primary prevention strategies. In addition, the SAPT Block Grant by statute is designed to serve priority populations and service areas such as:
• Pregnant women and women with dependent children
• People who use intravenous drugs
• Tuberculosis services
• Early intervention services for HIV/AIDS


This fact sheet is a “living document and will continue to be updated as legislation progresses through Congress.

Available here.

Please reach out to Lacy Adams ( with any questions.



Ramstad/Kennedy Award Nomination 2022

The Ramstad/Kennedy Award was established in 2008 to recognize an SSA Director who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in support of recovery and Recovery Month and to acknowledge Congressmen Ramstad and Kennedy for their commitment to recovery and recovery-oriented policies. The Award will be presented on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, as part of the NASADAD Quarterly Board Meeting.


To nominate an SSA director, please refer to the criteria below, and complete and return the application form by 11:59 pm (ET), Tuesday, September 6, 2022.


Download (DOCX, 27KB)