Funding Youth Treatment (1/4/2013)
NASADAD Sends Letter to Attorney General
NASADAD sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder with recommendations for an upcoming Department of Justice toolkit for law enforcement on naloxone. Continue reading
NASADAD Releases Fact Sheet on DOJ Priority Programs
NASADAD released a fact sheet detailing member-identified priority programs within the Department of Justice (DOJ). Identified programs include Drug Courts, Harold Rogers PDMP program, and the Second Chance Act. (August 2014)
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NASADAD Sends Letter to President Obama in Support of ONDCP Acting Director
NASADAD sent letters to both President Obama and Vice President Biden in support of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Acting Director Michael Botticelli to be nominated as the permanent Director. (2014)
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State Responses to Heroin and Rx Abuse
“State Substance Abuse Agencies, Prescription Drugs, and Heroin Abuse: Results from a NASADAD Membership Inquiry” updates NASADAD’s 2012 inquiry on prescription drug abuse and provides information on State responses to the emerging heroin epidemic. (2014) Continue reading
Legislative Responses to Opioid Overdose
“Overview of State Legislation to Increase Access to Treatment for Opioid Overdose” discusses laws that States have enacted to increase access to treatment for opioid overdose, and in turn, to reduce fatal opioid overdose. Covers the most common policies that have been incorporated into State legislation related to treating overdose. (2013) Continue reading