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Health Reform Information

Health Reform Information


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Implementation Deadlines and Regulations/Guidance as of May 20, 2013

Key Provisions Implementation Summary Deadlines
Essential Health Benefits (EHB) Benchmark Plan in Individual and Small Group Markets States must select one plan from ten benchmark options in the existing insurance market to serve as the reference point for EHB services (benchmark options include 3 largest small employer plans by enrollment, 3 largest state employee plans, 3 largest federal employee plans, or the largest commercial, non-Medicaid HMO in the State).If a State failed to select a benchmark plan by September 30, 2012,  the EHB benchmark defaulted to the largest small-group plan in the State. September 30, 2012 (see HHS Final Rule on Standards Related to EHB, Actuarial Value, and Accreditation, CCIIO Bulletin on EHB Rulemaking ProcessCCIIO Illustrative List of Three Largest Small Group Plans by StateFAQs on HHS Approach to Defining EHBs)NASADAD Comments on EHB Bulletin
Health Insurance Marketplaces The law calls for the creation of Health Insurance Marketplaces in each State to enable all Americans to purchase more affordable private insurance. Plans offered in the Marketplace must provide at least a basic level of essential health benefits and services. January 1, 2014 (see HHS Final Rule on the Establishment of Marketplaces and Qualified Health Plans; Exchange Standards for Employers)NASADAD Comments on the Development of State Exchanges
State Notification Regarding Health Insurance Marketplaces States must indicate to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) if they wish to operate a State-based Marketplace or a Partnership Marketplace and develop a Marketplace Blueprint. Submit by December 14, 2012 for State-Based Marketplace Letter of Intent and Blueprint; Submit by February 15th, 2013 for Partnership Marketplace Letter of Intent and Blueprint (see Letter from Secretary Sebelius Extending Marketplace Deadlines, HHS BlueprintHHS Final Rule on the Establishment of Marketplaces and Qualified Health Plans; Exchange Standards for Employers)
Navigators and In-Person Assistance (IPA) Programs The law requires that all Federal and State-based exchanges have a navigator program. Navigators will assist consumers and small employers with the enrollment process in the exchanges through education efforts, assistance in applying for and enrolling in coverage through the exchanges, and providing referrals.  The law also proposes an optional In-Person Assistance (IPA) program that is intended to provide additional assistance options to states and to fill in the gaps in Navigator programs during the first open enrollment period. Navigators and IPA program providers are expected to be highly trained and in some states, certified. The role of Navigators and IPA programs differ across states, and some States require that each targets specific populations in order to reach a wider group of eligible consumers. Award Announcements- Applications Due by June 7th, 2013Awards were announced August 15, 2013 (See CMS List of Navigator Awardees and Information about In-Person Assistance in the Health Insurance Marketplace)To read the FOA, visit and search for CFDA number 93.750(See HHS Proposed Rule on Exchange Functions: Standards for Navigators and Non-Navigator Assistance Personnel)
Medicaid Expansion Americans who earn less than 133 percent of poverty (approximately $14,000 for an individual and $29,000 for a family of four) will be eligible to enroll in Medicaid in States that chose to accept Federal funds to expand their Medicaid Program. States that opt-in to the expansion will receive 100 percent federal funding for the first three years to support this expanded coverage, phasing to 90 percent federal funding in subsequent years. States can also apply for waivers to expand their program before January 1, 2014. (the expansion is no longer mandatory due to the Supreme Court’s decision that a mandatory expansion of Medicaid is unconstitutional, see National Federation of Independent Business et al. v. Sebelius) January 1, 2014 (see CMS Final Rule on Medicaid Eligibility Under the Affordable Care Act)NASADAD Comments on Medicaid Expansion
Essential Health Benefits (EHB) in Medicaid Alternative Benefit Plans State Medicaid programs have the option of extending coverage through Social Security Act Section 1937 Medicaid benchmark or benchmark equivalent plans (known as Alternative Benefit Plans). In accordance with the ACA, any Alternative Benefit Plan must cover EHB. The four Alternative Benefit Plan options include the Standard Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan (FEHBP), State Employee Coverage plan, the commercial HMO with the largest insured commercial, non-Medicaid enrollment in the State, or a Secretary approved alternative (may include traditional Medicaid plan). January 1, 2014 (see CMS Final Rule on Essential Health Benefits in Medicaid Alternative Benefit PlansCMS Proposed Rule on Essential Health Benefits in Medicaid Alternative Benefit PlansCMS Letter to Medicaid State Directors on EHB and Alternative Benefit Plans)
Medicare Value-Based Purchasing Establishes a hospital value-based purchasing program in Medicare to pay hospitals based on performance on quality measures and requires plans to be developed to implement value-based purchasing programs for skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, and ambulatory surgical centers. October 1, 2012 (see CMS Final Rule)
Medicaid Payments for Primary Care In 2013 and 2014, Medicaid payment rates for primary care doctors will be increased to equal Medicare reimbursement rates. States will receive 100 percent federal financing to pay for the increase. January 1, 2013-January 1, 2015 (see CMS News Release)
Electronic Health Records Health insurance plans must implement uniform standards for electronic exchange of health information. January 1, 2013
Public Reporting on Physician Performance Begins public reporting of physician performance information, based in part on patient feedback. January 1, 2013
Medicare Bundled Payment Pilot Program Establishes a national Medicare pilot program to develop and evaluate making bundled payments for acute, inpatient hospital services, physician services, outpatient hospital services, and post-acute care services for an episode of care. January 1, 2013 (see CMS Notice)
Individual Mandate Requires U.S. citizens and legal residents to have qualifying health coverage or face a tax, with certain exemptions (including religious and hardship exemptions). January 1, 2014
Health Insurance Premium and Cost-Sharing Subsidies Provides refundable tax credits and cost sharing subsidies to eligible individuals. Premium subsidies are available to families with incomes between 133-400 percent of the federal poverty level to purchase insurance through the Exchanges, while cost sharing subsidies are available to those with incomes up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level. January 1, 2014 (see IRS Final Rule on Health Insurance Premium Tax Credits)
Guaranteed Availability of Insurance Requires guarantee issue and renewability of health insurance regardless of health status and allows rating variation based only on age (limited to a 3 to 1 ratio), geographic area, family composition, and tobacco use (limited to 1.5. to 1 ratio) in the individual and the small group market and the Exchanges. January 1, 2014
No Annual Limits on Coverage Prohibits annual limits on the dollar value of coverage. January 1, 2014
Multi-State Health Plans Requires the Office of Personnel Management to contract with insurers to offer at least two multi-state plans in each Exchange. At least one plan must be offered by a non-profit entity and at least one plan must not provide coverage for abortions beyond those permitted by federal law. January 1, 2014
Basic Health Plan Permits States the option to create a Basic Health Plan for uninsured individuals with incomes between 133-200 percent of the federal poverty level who would otherwise be eligible to receive premium subsidies in the Exchange. January 1, 2014 (see CMS Request for Information Regarding State Flexibility to Establish BHP)
Health Care Choice Compacts States may form health care choice compacts that allow insurers to sell policies across state lines, in any State participating in the compact. January 1, 2016
CO-OP Health Insurance Plan Creates the Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) to foster the creation of non-profit, member-run health insurance companies. July 1, 2013 (see HHS Final RuleGrant Awardees)
Sources: The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Health Reform Source: Implementation Guideline,
The White House, The Affordable Care Act- Implementation Timeline,

Additional Health Reform Resources:

• State Refor(u)m:
• Coalition for Whole Health:
• Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF):
• National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD):
• National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC):
• National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL):,139,1156

Regulatory Comments & Letters

NASADAD prepares comments or letters in response to national events, proposed legislation or regulations, agency initiatives, and other items of significance to NASADAD members.

Letters of Support

The following is an archive of letters of support that NASADAD has submitted on behalf of the membership in support of organizations or individuals who have made substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery a priority.

Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services (SUPTRS) Block Grant

The Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (SUPTRS) Block Grant (formerly Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment [SAPT] Block Grant) provides a large portion of funding for State publicly funded substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery systems. The following is an archive of letters and comments that NASADAD has submitted on behalf of the membership regarding the SUPTRS Block Grant.

Comments on Appropriations

The federal appropriations process decides the funding levels for all federal agencies and programs, including vital NASADAD priorities such as the SAPT Block Grant. The following is an archive of letters and comments that NASADAD has submitted on behalf of the membership regarding the appropriations process.

Comments on National Strategies and Reports

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) oversees federal health policy and a number of federal agencies that are important to Single State Agencies including the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and others. Along with HHS, SAMHSA, and CDC, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) also has a stake in federal substance abuse policy, advising the Administration on drug control issues and coordinating federal agencies’ work related to drug control. The following is an archive of the letters and comments that NASADAD has submitted on behalf of the membership regarding proposed national substance abuse strategies, guidelines, and reports.

Comments on Health Reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Since the ACA’s passage in 2010, changes in health care delivery and financing have had a tremendous impact on the health care system at large and on State substance abuse agencies. The following is an archive of comments that NASADAD has submitted on behalf of the membership regarding health reform issues.

Comments on Current Events

The following is an archive of comments that NASADAD has submitted on behalf of the membership in response to national tragedies and other events.

Policy Statements

The following statements outlines the Associations position on policy issues.

Comments on Regulatory Initiatives and Guidance

The following is an archive of comments that NASADAD has submitted on behalf of the membership on various regulatory initiatives and guidance at the federal level.

State Youth Substance Abuse Coordinators Committee (SYSACC)

State Youth Substance Abuse Coordinators Committee (SYSACC) is a special interest section that will be called the Youth Coordinators.  The members of the Youth Coordinators will be designated representatives from State agencies responsible for funding and oversight of youth substance abuse services.

Adolescents and young adults constitute more than 25 percent of the admissions to the public substance abuse treatment system, according to the SAMHSA Treatment Episode Data Set.  This population presents distinct psychological and developmental characteristics from the “adults” who constitute the vast majority of the treatment population.

National Prevention Network

The National Prevention Network (NPN) is a NASADAD component group working to ensure effective and evidence-based tobacco, alcohol, other drug prevention programs and policies that are comprehensive and culturally competent. The NPN is comprised of State Prevention Coordinators who are responsible for substance use prevention systems in each State. Each year, NASADAD NPN host a national conference to highlight the latest research in the substance use prevention field. It provides a forum for prevention professionals, coalition leaders, researchers, and federal partners to share research, best practices, and promising evaluation results for the purpose of integrating research into prevention practice.

2011 Annual Meeting Presentations

2011 Annual Meeting Presentations

Tuesday, June 7, 2011:

Learning Collaborative: Medicaid and Substance Abuse Services

SAMHSA, States and the Tribal Law and Order Act (Dennis O. Romero, Director, Office of Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse/CSAP/SAMHSA)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011:

The New Financial Landscape

Luncheon on Substance Abuse Workforce

Systems Coordination

Current State of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)

NASADAD/CSAP Leadership Summit

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Progress and Priorities: Ms. Pam Hyde, Administrator, SAMHSA

Key Initiatives in Prevention

Capturing Quality: An Update on Data


(Note: Page in Progress)

Contact Us

NASADAD is located on Pennsylvania Avenue, between 19th and 20th Streets, in the heart of Washington D.C., NW. Our offices are conveniently located one block away from the Farragut West Metro stop (Blue/Orange/Silver Lines), three blocks from the Farragut North Metro station (Red Line), and just a few blocks west of the White House. There is metered on-street parking (limit two hours) and there are several parking garages (about $15.00 per day) within walking distance of NASADAD.

Telephone: (202) 293-0090
Fax: (202) 293-1250
Postal address: 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite M-250, Washington, DC 20006

General Information:

Please go to Staff Directory for individual staff member listings.


NASADAD staff members can be reached via e-mail and phone:

Telephone number: (202) 293-0090

Office of the Executive Director

Robert Morrison

Executive Director and Director Legislative Affairs

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Robert Morrison first came to the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Agency Directors (NASADAD) in 1998 when he worked on legislative and regulatory affairs as Public Policy Associate. Robert then broadened his health care portfolio by serving as Associate Director of Government Relations at Smith, Bucklin and Associates from 1999 to 2001 where he directed government affairs programs for a variety of organizations, including the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Robert returned to NASADAD in 2001 as Director of Public Policy and went on to become Deputy Executive Director; Interim Executive Director; and, in 2009, Executive Director. Robert began his career working for the late U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ) for approximately four years, spending his last two years as a Legislative Aide. In 2013, Robert re-assumed the lead for the Association’s legislative and regulatory affairs program – returning to the type of work that originally brought him to NASADAD. Robert graduated from Drew University in New Jersey with a B.A. in Political Science and completed graduate work in American Government at the Johns Hopkins University.

Michael Langer

Senior Advisor and Membership Services Liaison

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Michael Langer has joined NASADAD as a Senior Advisor and Membership Services Liaison. Michael retired from the State of Washington earlier this year, having served within the SSA for Substance Use and Mental Health since 1986. During his State service, he was actively involved with NASADAD for nearly 30 years. In his role as SSA, he served in leadership positions on the NASADAD Board of Directors. He further contributed to the association by serving within the Network Prevention Network (NPN) and the National Treatment Network (NTN).

Michael is joining NASADAD as a part-time staffer where we will leverage his vast experience to enhance our capacity to serve members as they join NASADAD and serve their home State/jurisdiction SSA offices. He will also be advising NASADAD senior leaders and staff on federally funded projects designed to support our membership.

Fachon James-Simpson

Member Services Coordinator/Meeting Planner

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Fachon Simpson is currently a Membership Services Coordinator/Meeting Planner at NASADAD. She has performed a wide-range of executive/administrative duties for the Executive Director/Director of Legislative Affairs, Deputy Executive Director/ Research and Program Applications, and Director of Finance for over 10 years. Fachon provides services for planning and staging the membership’s Annual/Board Meetings and all other NASADAD meetings. She is responsible for hotel contracts, meeting rooms set-up, meeting logistics, arranging exhibitors, travel, lodging, audio/visual equipment set-up, registration and development and distribution of meeting materials.  Ms. Simpson is also responsible for scheduling conference calls and meetings, responding to membership requests for technical assistance, disseminating information via e-mail and fax, and the staging of meetings.

Ms. Simpson also performs various tasks within NASADAD’s Department of Finance. Her duties include preparing invoices and purchase orders; collecting membership dues; developing spreadsheets and inputting data; and tracking membership funds.

Daniel Diana

Public Policy Associate

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Daniel Diana holds a Master of Public Policy with a concentration in Nonprofit Policy, Management, and Leadership from American University's School of Public Affairs. He completed his undergraduate studies at Villanova University in Spring 2021 with a Bachelor’s in Political Science and Sociology and has experience working for legal tech, compliance-oriented, and substance use related organizations. Daniel also served as NASADAD's Public Policy Intern from May-August 2022 and Legislative Coordinator from August 2022-June 2024. In his free time, Daniel enjoys basketball, chess, and walking his Bernedoodle Rosie.

Ivana Sánchez

Public Policy Intern

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Ivana Sánchez Navarro joined NASADAD as Public Policy Intern in January 2025. She is from San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico, and graduated in May 2024 from the University of Rochester with a double degree in Neuroscience and Psychology. Ivana is also currently a graduate student at Georgetown University in the Addiction Policy and Practice program. In the future, she hopes to attend medical school and become involved in both the policy and healthcare fields of addiction. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family back home and visiting different local breakfast spots around the island.

Financial and Management Information Systems

Hollis McMullen

Director of Finance

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Yong Liu

Accounting Manager

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Research and Program Applications

Melanie Whitter

Deputy Executive Director

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Melanie Whitter is the Deputy Executive Director for the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Agency Directors (NASADAD). In this role, she facilitates the translation of research and knowledge into state practice, sharing state evidence-based and best practices across the nation, and identifying state problems and issues that merit further study and research; provides technical assistance to the NASADAD membership; and coordinates and facilitates timely information exchange to the States concerning policies, programs and practices in the substance use disorder field. Prior to her role at NASADAD, she held the position of Principal Associate and led Abt Associate’s Behavioral Health Practice. She has also held the position of Single State Authority for alcohol and other drug services for the State of Illinois and served on the NASADAD Board of Directors, as the Vice-President for Treatment, and as a Regional Director.  She is a member and served on the Board of the College for Behavioral Health Leadership.  Over her career, she has been recognized for her commitment to advancing system change by building workforce and infrastructure capacity, creating and sustaining partnerships, and emphasizing research and evaluation.


Doug Fuller, PhD

Associate Director of Research and Program Applications

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Douglas Fuller, Ph.D., joined NASADAD in May 2020.  He currently works as the National Treatment Network (NTN) Team Leader and serves as a task leader for other technical assistance and research projects.  Dr. Fuller’s experience includes serving as a senior health researcher with over 20 years of experience focused on HIV/AIDS, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services, criminal justice, veteran wellness, and conducting research with historically underserved populations. He brings expertise in strategic planning, contract management and acquisition, project budget monitoring, collaborative engagement, technical assistance, technical writing, and research development, implementation, and reporting.  Dr. Fuller received his doctorate in sociology from Howard University in 2005.

Tracy Tlumac Flinn, Ed.D.

Associate Director for Planning and Program Management

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Tracy Flinn, Ed.D., joined NASADAD in September 2013 as a Senior Research Analyst primarily working with the State and Territory Prevention Directors. In this role, Dr. Flinn provides and arranges for technical assistance to state and territorial substance use prevention directors; coordinates topic calls and webinars; develops fact sheets and other resources; coordinates the annual National Prevention Research Conference and Prevention Leadership Summits; and oversees and manages day-to-day project implementation.

Dr. Flinn has over 20 years of experience working in prevention at the national, state, and local levels, and is a senior expert in substance use prevention strategies, project management, training and technical assistance, and alcohol and drug research, trends, and policies. She was previously the Associate Director of the U.S. Department of Education’s Higher Education Center for Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Violence Prevention. Dr. Flinn also directed the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded “A Matter of Degree” coalition at the University of Delaware, where she implemented environmental prevention strategies to reduce alcohol and other drug problems among students and established a statewide prevention coalition of colleges and universities. She received her doctorate in higher education administration and educational leadership from the University of Delaware in 2007.

Mellie Randall

Senior Research Analyst

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Mellie Randall works with the State Opioid Treatment Authorities and on opioid research and technical assistance projects. She has over 30 years of experience in state government, having worked as the Single State Agency Director and National Treatment Network representative for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. She managed the administration of the SAPT Block Grant as well as discretionary grants, led collaborative projects across sectors of state government, and participated in several national projects. She also led efforts to establish access to medication assisted treatment (MAT) in rural Virginia and, with the advent of STR funding, implemented MAT in all 40 of Virginia’s publicly funded behavioral health organizations. Mellie was an integral part of the team that designed, obtained and implemented one of the first CMS SUD waivers.

Becky Vaughn

Senior Research Analyst

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Becky Vaughn supports a variety of treatment and recovery projects for NASADAD. She has been working in the treatment and recovery field for over 40 years.  Beginning her career at St. Jude’s Recovery Center in Atlanta, GA, Ms. Vaughn’s work turned to public policy and association leadership in 1992 when she established The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse (GCSA), the first treatment services provider association in Georgia. As CEO of GCSA, her work focused on legislative advocacy on issues concerning prevention, treatment, recovery, homelessness, and drug courts including passage of many bills and securing funding for programmatic resources.  In 2008, Ms. Vaughn joined the State Associations of Addiction Services (SAAS) as their CEO.  Following their merger with the National Council for Behavioral Health, Ms. Vaughn served as the Vice President for Addictions, building the addiction presence and services at the Council until 2016.  Following her tenure at the National Council, Ms. Vaughn joined the Colombo Plan in Sri Lanka and served as their Director of the Global Centre for Credentialing and Certification (GCCC) until 2023, spreading the important message of workforce development and a well-trained and credentialed workforce. Ms. Vaughn has served on numerous state and US federal committees/panels and has spoken on the topic of substance use, treatment, and recovery to a variety of stakeholders.

Shanthy Edward

Senior Communications Specialist

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Shanthy Edward, PsyD, joined the NASADAD as a part-time Senior Communications Specialist. Leveraging Dr. Edward's diverse background, she will promote the Associations policies and activities, as well as support research and technical assistance projects. Dr. Edward brings a unique blend of clinical psychology and strategic communication expertise to her role. With a career that started in underserved areas, Dr. Edward quickly realized the crucial role of effective communication in addressing complex issues affecting individuals and communities. This realization led her into non-profit leadership roles, strategic communications positions, and strategic growth roles where she has made a lasting impact. Dr. Edward has worked in direct service environments serving individuals, families, and communities experiencing a broad range of needs, including substance use disorders and mental disorders/intellectual disabilities. In addition, she is an expert in strategic communications, marketing, advocacy, and content development. She has crafted presentations, reports, speeches, white papers, video scripts, podcasts, and more for people and organizations with diverse needs and audiences. She has also led strategic planning, revenue growth, and business development, including within the substance use disorders and mental health fields.

Claire Gray

Research Analyst II

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Claire Gray supports various technical assistance and research projects at NASADAD. She previously supported the Prevention and Treatment Learning Communities as a Research Associate. Before coming to NASADAD she worked with a community coalition in Baltimore, supporting environmental strategies for substance use prevention. Claire received a B.A. in Public Health and Global Environmental Change & Sustainability from Johns Hopkins University.

Jose Silva

Research Analyst II

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Jose Silva, MPH, MSW, joined NASADAD in 2019. Jose is Research Analyst II, supporting the states' State Opioid Treatment Authorities and Recovery Coordinators. Among his various technical assistance projects, Jose has led efforts in planning and coordinating a 5-year learning collaborative with state recovery units on integrating recovery support across multiple SUD provider settings for the Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions (CoE CIHS Project). As a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Jose carried out an extensive literature review on the use of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) within criminal justice institutions and its impact on the rehabilitation of individuals with OUD. He also successfully completed a qualitative study at the master's level, examining treatment orientations and identifying barriers and facilitators in this specific field.

Jose brings over a decade of experience in clinical services, including assessment and treatment planning, conducting substance use group therapy, and implementing behavior modification interventions for adolescents. Additionally, he conducts substance abuse assessments, manages and leads DUI offender prevention and treatment groups, and reports to the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP).

Emma Neller

Research Associate I

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Emma Neller is a Research Associate who works with the National Prevention and Treatment Networks and supports the state Prevention and Treatment Coordinators. Before coming to NASADAD she held a fellowship position working with the Washington State Health Care Authority, where she supported substance use disorder prevention services throughout Washington State. Emma received a B.A. in Public Health-Global Health from the University of Washington.

Cara Dufresne

Research Associate

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Cara Dufresne, MPH, joined NASADAD as a Research Associate supporting the Prevention, Women’s Services, and Youth Coordinators in October 2024. Before coming to NASADAD, she worked as a Youth Coordinator for a regional coalition outside of Boston, MA, focused on substance use initiation prevention strategies. She also has experience with college campus substance use prevention and harm reduction efforts and has previously engaged in policy work surrounding alcohol home delivery. Cara received her B.A. in Community Health from Tufts University and her MPH with a concentration in Maternal and Child Health from The George Washington University.


About Us

The National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Agency Directors, Inc. (NASADAD) is a private, not-for-profit educational, scientific, and informational organization. The Association was originally incorporated in 1971 to serve State Drug Agency Directors, and then in 1978 the membership was expanded to include State Alcoholism Agency Directors.

NASADAD’s basic purpose is to foster and support the development of effective alcohol and other drug use prevention and treatment programs throughout every State. The Board of Directors is composed of a President, First Vice President, Vice President for Treatment, Vice President for Internal Affairs, Vice President for Prevention, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as 10 regional representatives elected by the Association members in the region. The Washington, DC, office is headed by an Executive Director and includes divisions concerned with Research and Program Applications, Prevention Services, and Public Policy.

NASADAD Activities

NASADAD is authorized by the Board of Directors to engage in any or all of the following activities:

  • To represent member States on Association policies and issues before Congress, Executive Branch, governmental, and allied organizations as directed by the Board of Directors;
  • To promote, plan, develop, expand, and utilize educational materials and scientific activities within the fields;
  • To coordinate and facilitate timely information exchange to the States concerning policies of various constituencies with the alcohol, other drug use, and related field;
  • To respond to appropriate requests for contracts, grants and other funding opportunities that will facilitate the Association carrying out its goals of serving States; and
  • To establish and secure adequate resources to accomplish all goals and objectives outlined in the annual program of work or otherwise directed by the Board of Directors.

NASADAD Objectives

As stated in its bylaws, NASADAD’s objectives are:

  • To facilitate the translation of research and knowledge into practice and identifies problems and issues that merit further study and research;
  • To foster communication and collaboration with other organizations and national associations that interface with issues of substance use;
  • To promote training within the field of substance use prevention and treatment as well as cross-training in other systems;
  • To provide technical assistance to its membership;
  • To promote the establishment of national standards for quality assurance, outcomes, and performance;
  • To shape public policy positions that advance the provision of effective prevention and treatment services and increase funding for same; and
  • To maintain a stable base of funding to ensure continued long-term financial viability.

NASADAD Collaborations

NASADAD serves as a focal point for the examination of alcohol and other drug related issues of common interest to both other national organizations and federal agencies. Federal agencies and organizations with which NASADAD has worked include:

  • Army National Guard
  • Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
  • Center for Medicaid/Medicare Services (CMS)
  • Center for Prevention Methodology and Implementation
  • International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC)
  • National Association for State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD)
  • National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Technical Assistance Center
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
  • Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
  • Social Security Administration (SSA)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Centers on Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention (CSAT and CSAP), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
  • Society for Prevention Research (SPR)
  • U.S. Department of Education (ED)
  • U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
  • U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)


NASADAD is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and does not engage in lobbying or electoral political activities.


NASADAD Strategic Framework
