Category Archives: Public View

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Policy Statements, Fact Sheets, & Legislative Briefs

NASADAD creates informational fact sheets and charts to help educate our members about emerging policy issues of interest to them – often appropriations related. NASADAD also periodically releases statements on particular policies of interest.

NASADAD Policy Statements

NASADAD Fact Sheets


NASADAD on Legislation

NASADAD on Budget and Appropriations

NASADAD Presentations

Board of Directors Contact List

The NASADAD Board of Directors is composed of Single State Authorities (SSAs) for their States. The Board has a President, First Vice President, Vice President for Treatment, Vice President for Internal Affairs, Vice President for Prevention, Past President, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as 10 regional representatives elected by the Association members in the region.

President: Sara Goldsby
Immediate Past President: Cassandra Price
Vice President for Prevention: Patricia (Pat) Zuber-Wilson
Vice President for Treatment: Pat Lincourt
First Vice President: Valerie Mielke
Vice President for Internal Affairs: Deirdre Calvert
Secretary: DeAnn Decker
Treasurer: Michael Langer
Regional Director I: Vacant
Regional Director II: Chinazo Cunningham
Regional Director III: Elliott Birckhead
Regional Director IV: Nicole Walden
Regional Director V: Laura Garcia
Regional Director VI: Vacant
Regional Director VII: DeAnn Decker
Regional Director VIII: Eric Tadehara
Regional Director IX: John Valera
Regional Director X: Michael Langer