Category Archives: NTN


Treatment & Recovery Resources

Below is information about organizations that maintain a strong focus on alcohol and other drug (AOD) abuse treatment and recovery. This list is not exhaustive and does not necessarily indicate an endorsement by NASADAD.

  • Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network: The ATTC Network continuously strives to improve the quality of addictions treatment and recovery services by facilitating alliances among front line counselors, treatment and recovery services agency administrators, faith-based organizations, policy makers, the health and mental health communities, consumers and other stakeholders. By connecting them to the latest research and information through activities such as skills training, academic education, online and distance education, conferences, workshops, and publications, the ATTC Network responds to the emerging needs of the field.
  • Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT): The mission of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment is to promote community-based substance abuse treatment and recovery services for individuals and families in every community. CSAT provides national leadership to improve access, reduce barriers, and promote high quality, effective treatment and recovery services.
  • Child and Family Futures (CCF): The mission of Children and Family Futures is to improve safety, permanency, well-being and recovery outcomes for children, parents and families affected by trauma, substance use and mental health disorders.
  • Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR): CCAR works closely with Connecticut’s Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to emphasize the fiscal and social benefits of recovery and advocate for pro-recovery policy at the State level.
  • Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR): Faces & Voices of Recovery is dedicated to organizing and mobilizing the over 23 million Americans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, our families, friends and allies into recovery community organizations and networks, to promote the right and resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery.
  • International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC &RC): IC&RC will offer two levels of Peer Recovery Support credential for alcohol and other drugs, mental health, and co-occurring disorders.
  • The NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator helps individuals and their loved ones negotiate the complicated process of choosing treatment for alcohol misuse. The site offers what they need to know, and what they need to do, to recognize and choose quality care. As NIAAA shares your organization’s goal to help people address alcohol problems, I thought this might be a beneficial tool for your constituents.

    Visit to learn more.

    Additionally, the Navigator offers multiple graphics, videos, tweets, Facebook posts, and Instagram content ready to share with your social media followers at the following link:

  • SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment and Services for Substance Use Disorders (SUDs): A compilation of information related to behavioral health treatment and substance use disorders.
  • SAMHSA National Recovery MonthRecovery Month promotes the societal benefits of prevention, treatment, and recovery for mental and/or substance use disorders.
  • SAMHSA Treatment Locator: The Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator is an online source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance abuse/addiction and/or mental health problems.
  • State of Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.(2002). Recovery initiative: The Recovery Resource Guide page describes Connecticut’s efforts related to ROSC. It provides policy statements on recovery, education and training, reports, presentations, resources and links related to ROSC.
  • White, W (2008). Recovery management and recovery-oriented systems of care: scientific rationale and promising practices: Authored by William White, this is the first and most comprehensive attempt to lay out the empirical support for moving to recovery-oriented systems of care.