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D.C. Update – February 13, 2015

News from NASADAD

  • NASADAD submits comments on NIDA FY 2016-2020 Strategic Plan

Around the Agencies

  • SAMHSA extends deadline for public comment on community behavioral health clinic criteria to February 18th
  • SAMHSA accepting applications for FY 2015 Drug-Free Communities Mentoring Program grants
  • SAMHSA releases new FASD in Review commenting on recent prenatal alcohol exposure research
  • GAO releases report on prenatal opioid abuse treatment gaps
  • NCCIH working group recommends large-scale research into pain management
  • NHTSA study finds declining rates of drunk driving, rising rates of drug-impaired driving
  • HHS releases data on advance premium tax credit qualifications

In the News

  • Kaiser Health News speaks with CASAColumbia director about The Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 implementation

Upcoming Events

  • NAADAC launches SBIRT webinar series beginning February 18th
  • NSC announces workplace substance abuse webinar to be held February 19th
  • SAMHSA announces federal income tax webinar to be held February 25th
  • SAMHSA announces health insurance webinar to be held March 5th
  • SAMHSA announces special enrollment period webinar to be held March 12th


News from NASADAD

NASADAD submits comments on NIDA FY 2016-2020 Strategic Plan
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) released a request for information to seek public input for a revised strategic plan that provides a research framework for the next five years. After reviewing the strategic plan and receiving comments from members, NASADAD’s letter was approved by NASADAD’s Public Policy Committee and submitted on January 30th. The letter focuses on a number of key areas: evaluating evidence-based practices, monitoring emerging trends, office-based opioid treatment, recovery supports, and the role of residential services.

Around the Agencies

SAMHSA extends deadline for public comment on community behavioral health clinic criteria to February 18th
SAMHSA is seeking public comment on criteria for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs). CCBHCs are a demonstration project passed in March 2014 as part of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014. The Act authorized the establishment of community mental health and substance use disorder clinics similar to the federally qualified health center (FQHC) model. The criteria identify requirements for staffing, accessibility of services, scope of services, and much more. The deadline for comments has been extended to Wednesday, February 18th.

SAMHSA accepting applications for FY 2015 Cooperative Agreement to Benefit Homeless Individuals for States-Enhancement grants
SAMHSA is now accepting applications for FY 2015 Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals for States-Enhancement grants. Funds should be used to expand the scope of the project funded by the original grant. Expansion will help increase the availability of accessible and affordable treatment services to individuals and veterans suffering from chronic homelessness and substance abuse disorders. Applications are due by Thursday, April 9, 2015. Grantees will be awarded an anticipated award of up to $1.8 million.

SAMHSA accepting applications for FY 2015 Drug-Free Communities Mentoring Program grants
SAMHSA is now accepting applications for FY 2015 Drug-Free Communities Mentoring Program grants. The primary goal of the mentoring program is to assist new coalitions in establishing eligibility for Drug-Free Community funding. Applications are due by Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Grantees will be awarded an anticipated award of up to $75,000.

SAMHSA releases new FASD in Review commenting on recent prenatal alcohol exposure research
SAMHSA released a new FASD in Review this week commenting on a recent article in Annals of Epidemiology. The study conducted in the article suggests low-to-moderate alcohol exposure during early and late gestation is not associated with low birth weight and other negative birth defects. While some media sources have interpreted the study to mean limited alcohol consumption during pregnancy is safe, SAMHSA and other public health policy officials continue to stress that no alcohol consumption during pregnancy is safe.

GAO releases report on prenatal opioid abuse treatment gaps
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on gaps in prenatal opioid abuse treatment and research programs this week. The report finds that inadequate treatment options exist for pregnant women and newborns with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) due to stigmatization and criminalization of pregnant drug users, as well as a lack of guidance on screening and treatment practices for pregnant women. Research is difficult to conduct due to problems with identifying and retaining pregnant women to study, in addition to prenatal opioid use and NAS not being high priority research areas. The report concludes that HHS lacks a focal point to lead planning on efforts related specifically to prenatal opioid abuse.

NCCIH working group recommends large-scale research into pain management
A working group at The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has concluded that large-scale research into pain management is necessary. The working group states that the prevalence of chronic pain in the general public and the military requires new treatment methods. NCCIH recommends that research should evaluate nondrug treatment options, focus on patients in the early stages of chronic pain, and assess the impact of pain on patient quality of life.

NHTSA study finds declining rates of drunk driving, rising rates of drug-impaired driving
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released two studies this month finding fewer Americans driving drunk, but more driving under the influence of marijuana and other illegal drugs. From 2012 to 2013, deaths in alcohol-related accidents decreased by 2.5 percent. Deaths from alcohol-related car accidents have declined by 23 percent in the last 10 years. During 2013-2014, 22.5% of nighttime weekend drivers tested positive for illegal drugs – a 38 percent increase from 2007.

HHS releases data on advance premium tax credit qualifications
HHS released a report discussing advance premium tax credits throughout the States this week. According to the report, 6.5 million people have qualified for an advance premium tax credit to purchase health insurance through during 2015 open enrollment; representing 87% of people enrolled or re-enrolled in the 37 states using The American Hospital Association (AHA) reports that, “Those subsidies are expected to reduce premiums for enrollees by more than $1 billion a month, or $268 per person on average, based on plan selections and re-enrollments as of Jan. 30, HHS said. About 53% of people selected or re-enrolled in a plan with a net premium of $100 or less after the advance premium tax credit. Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace runs through Feb. 15.”

In the News

Kaiser Health News speaks with CASAColumbia director about The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 implementation
Kaiser Health News spoke with Emily Feinstein, CASAColumbia director, this past week about The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equality Act of 2008 implementation as well as the importance of expanding mental health and substance use disorder coverage in Medicaid managed care plans. Implementation has been slow, and it is still unclear how the law will affect Medicaid plans that include medical, substance abuse, and mental health benefits. The interview discusses the positive impact parity implementation will have on treatment of substance use disorders.

Upcoming Events

NAADAC launches SBIRT webinar series beginning February 18th
The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC) has announced a new Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) webinar series to begin on February 18th, 2015. The series is hosted by NAADAC and its partners (NORC at the University of Chicago, National SBIRT ATTC, The BIG Initiative, and SAMHSA), and will discuss current issues facing the addiction professional world. Held once a month, the webinar series will conclude on August 19th, 2015.

Please contact Misti Storie at for more information.

SAMHSA announces federal income tax webinar to be held February 25th
SAMHSA has announced a new webinar focusing on the 2015 tax season. Basic information about what consumers need to know about their health care when filing taxes, including the penalty for not having health insurance, will be covered.

SAMHSA announces health insurance webinar to be held March 5th
SAMHSA has announced a new webinar discussing best practices for using health insurance. Topics include reading your insurance card, finding a doctor, making an appointment, and what to do in a health emergency. From Coverage to Care materials created by CMS will also be covered during the presentation.

SAMHSA announces special enrollment period webinar to be held March 12th
SAMHSA has announced a new webinar focusing on special enrollment periods for those with special circumstances. These circumstances may include graduating from college, getting married and needing coverage for a spouse, losing employer health insurance, or turning 26 and losing a parent’s coverage. Resources and instructions for individuals with these special circumstances will be discussed.

Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Robert Morrison, Executive Director, (202) 293-0090 or Colleen Haller, Public Policy Associate, at (202) 293-0090.