Below is an outline of speakers’ presentations at the 2015 NASADAD Annual Meeting. PDF versions of the presentations are linked whenever available.
Monday, June 1st, 2015
State Directors’ Session: Criminal Justice Initiatives
- Gabrielle de la Gueronniere, Legal Action Center
- Doug Thomas, UT SSA
Women’s Services Network Business Day
Keynote Address on the Future of Women’s Services: Surving the New Healthcare Landscape
- Becky Vaughn, Vice President of Addictions, The National Council of Behavioral Health
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015
Collaboration/Integration with Primary Care
Addressing the Heroin and Prescription Drug Epidemics
Primary Prevention in the Era of Health Reform
- Fran Harding
- Michael Langer
- Michelle Nienhius
Recovery Services and Supportive/Recovery Housing
Telehealth for SUD Treatment
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015
Adapting to the New Financial Landscape
Health Homes and SUD